Value of a SAT III
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 17:55:35 EDT

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Anybody out there want to venture an estimate on what an SAT III's worth?  I 
bought it last April (2002) and have only used it 5-6 times.  Just never did 
get to where I felt comfortable with it.  Probably not used over 10 hours the 
whole year.  I can use anything with a rotating spinner but never did get 
used to the little rotating lights.  Been using RCT or pRCT for over 2 years 
and thought I would like the SAT for a backup but have never needed it so 
far.  Purchased direct from Sanderson.  Whatever the name of the company is.

I would like to offer it for sale to the folks in my local chapter but don't 
know what a fair price would be.  I think I read somewhere that 75% of the 
retail price was fair but I may have dreamed that.  Don't have a case, it 
fits in my tool box just fine.  Everything  is included, foot pedal, manual, 

Any pertinent comments would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
Charles Cron

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