Kimball brass flanges
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 22:09:11 -0500

Last year I was scratching my head over the same problems in the same kind
of Kimball. Customer called a day later to ask if she could cancel the
repair work since she'd rather look for a new (used) piano. I was never so
happy to "lose" a job.

Though it became unnecessary, I had planned to call Schaff and others to see
if they had any not-in-the-catalog items. Sometimes they do.

There's always the option of referring the client to

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of David Love
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:53 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: Kimball brass flanges

I've got a customer with an old Kimball with double brass flanges (hammer
flange and damper flange) on one rail.  Plates are snapping like twigs and
replacement parts are a thread mismatch.  Damper flanges have a built in
spring in the plate and replacement parts seem unavailable.  I would
welcome suggestions (or volunteers who want this job), though the memory of
Babe Ruth's piano keeps echoing in the deep recesses of my mind.

David Love

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