Neil Young

Richard Brekne
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 17:25:20 +0200

Hi Folks

Got the call to do the Neil Young concert in town tonite. Showed up for
the gig and here they have this NY S&S D with the number 410 where the
serial number usually is. Didnt look all that old really, tho with all
the gadgets attached... Helpenstills, Seducers, Barcas Barries... :)
they had 4 or 5 different mic setups and in addition they had real
mics.... I didnt get to really look all that close.

I got to see something I'd never seen before. They rolled this thing on
stage in a flight case on its long side. Stuck the back leg on, the
right leg, and the lyre, and then tilted it right out of the case onto
the lyre and back leg before tilting it over and lifting up the left
side to get that leg on. Worked like a charm, but I'd thought the lyre
would have never held up. They carry this thing all around the world
with them.

Anyways... in and out in 50 minutes with stage hands around didnt leave
much time for inspection, but I was curious as to what the number 410
stood for.


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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