Square Grand Tuning Hammers

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 08:54:31 -0700

IF, the piano has "oval" tuning pins, then you will need a special tuning
hammer tip! It is not available from any of the supply houses. When attached
to your tuning lever, it looks like you have a "Y" hammer. There are two
tips, one at 90 degree to the other. The only other solution is to buy an
"oval" tip, put it on an "adapter" head and use your regular hammer/tip
situation. It requires some finess to keep it "attached", as you move from
pin to pin, but it's a doable. That stupid "goose neck" tuning hammer w/oval
tip, that Schaff sells is worthless for this kind of job. You need to keep
the handle of the tuning hammer parallel with the strings, in order to get
accurate tuning advantage. Sometimes the "Old-timers" have the "Y" head/tip
thingees laying around and they don't know what to do with them. Believe me
they are out there and you should seek these types of tuning hammers! I have
several and Ken Serviss, (Of Piano Hospital fame), has dozens of them!
Happy hunting/backaches!<G>
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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