Neil Young

John Musselwhite
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:07:22 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

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The number "410" is probably the Steinway C&A department number. I'd gues=
it was either a rental or was purchased from them and they didn't remove =
C&A number and give it it's "real" serial number, which I've seen happen
before. That number would probably have been stamped on the front of the =
frame if no where else.=0D
That method of putting the legs on is the one they use in the factory and
the Hall as well as elsewhere. The lyre should hold the weight OK, though=
s not my preferred method of doing it. I wouldn't try it on pianos other
than Steinway either.=0D
Did you get to see the concert? Neil Young is pretty cool. =0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Pianotech=0D
Date: Friday, April 25, 2003 09:49:22=0D
To: PTG=0D
Subject: Neil Young=0D
Hi Folks=0D
Got the call to do the Neil Young concert in town tonite. Showed up for=0D
the gig and here they have this NY S&S D with the number 410 where the=0D
serial number usually is. Didnt look all that old really, tho with all=0D
the gadgets attached... Helpenstills, Seducers, Barcas Barries... :)=0D
they had 4 or 5 different mic setups and in addition they had real=0D
mics.... I didnt get to really look all that close.=0D
I got to see something I'd never seen before. They rolled this thing on=0D
stage in a flight case on its long side. Stuck the back leg on, the=0D
right leg, and the lyre, and then tilted it right out of the case onto=0D
the lyre and back leg before tilting it over and lifting up the left=0D
side to get that leg on. Worked like a charm, but I'd thought the lyre=0D
would have never held up. They carry this thing all around the world=0D
with them.=0D
Anyways... in and out in 50 minutes with stage hands around didnt leave=0D
much time for inspection, but I was curious as to what the number 410=0D
stood for.=0D
Richard Brekne=0D
RPT, N.P.T.F.=0D
UiB, Bergen, Norway=0D
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