Tuning for Andre Watts

Jon Ralinovsky ralinoj@muohio.edu
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 19:27:11 -0400

He played here about a year ago; I found him to be very cordial.  The 
only thing he really wanted me to change was the range of the una 
corda - he likes a very minimal shift.  Of course, if he brought his 
own piano, it's probably already set up that way.


>I'm tuning for AndrŽ Watts this weekend.  He wants to meet with me 
>several hours before the concert.  Can anyone who has worked with 
>him before provide some insight on what to expect with him?  Picky? 
>Nice vs jerk? He brought his own S&S D artist series grand.
>Rob Goodale, RPT
>Las Vegas, NV

Jon Ralinovsky
Piano Technician
Department of Music
Miami University

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