Fw: D hammers

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 19:32:14 -0500

>That's it, thanks.  Of what purpose is the soundboard cutoff bar?

To shorten the ribs, for better stiffness control, and to eliminate an 
unneeded area of the board for a better progression of diaphragm response 
through the scale. Without the cutoff, there's too much soundboard for the 
frequencies there, which produces conflicting resonance modes rather than 
working as a unit.

>I presume from the name that it attaches to the underside of the soundboard?

Yes, and to the beams underneath. It redefines and becomes the rim for the 

>If so, in what manner is it attached and is it crowned to match the 
>curvature of the board at that point?
>David Love

It's glued and doweled, no crown - flat. The board doesn't mind.

Ron N

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