krakauer tuning pin size

Bill Ballard
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 10:06:36 -0400

At 1:02 PM -0500 4/24/03, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:
>1. Were 3/0 pins original equipment in some pianos of that vintage 
>(not just Krakauer)?

The pins in my 1906 were 2/0s. But that didn't rule out funny stuff 
which happened in the factory. I found the  let-off screws cranked 
right up to the underside of the hammer rail, with thick&thin wooden 
buttons, and the holes in the LO rail for the action bracket mounting 
screws widened out as to seriously weaken the rail. Somebody had 
difficulty getting LO reasonably close to the string, and given the 
piano's history, I'd guess it was the factory.

>2. I haven't taken the scale yet, but am I likely to find one with 
>tensions so high that 3/0 was necessary to hold pitch? BTW, they are 
>2 1/4" length, which probably is a factor.

I didn't check the scale on mine, but the block on my piano was solid 
enough to go from 2/0x2-3/8 to 3/0x2-1/2. It went through its first 
heated winter in many decades, with nary a check in the panel. The 
board was equally robust. A fine piano!

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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