Adding belly braces

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 11:41:48 -0500

>Is there any benefit to adding belly braces to the belly rail and straight
>side (as pictured in the earlier post) if one is not replacing the
>soundboard.  I can see that on some pianos it can be accomplished
>relatively easily.  Would there be any discernible tonal difference by
>doing this?
>David Love

Probably. I suppose it depends on what the soundboard has to give you and 
what the case flexibility is taking away. The guys who have tried 
Pianotek's turnbuckle brace report a positive difference, as I would 
expect. The easiest way to tell is to rig up a clamp or jack, or temporary 
post and wedge and listen first hand. If it helps, put in a permanent one.

How's that for high tech?

Ron N

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