lacquer softener

Mike Spalding
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 09:27:04 -0500

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Dave, and list,

I tried the Downy method only once, on my own piano.  It certainly =
de-brightened the tone the way I wanted it to, but shortly afterwards I =
noticed the string grooves in the bass section had turned green.  Other =
techs in my chapter said this never happened to them, so maybe it was =
just concidence.  Nevertheless, I would recommend caution with this =

just my 2 cents

Mike Spalding RPT

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: David M. Porritt=20
  Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 9:10 AM
  Subject: Re: lacquer softener

  Fabric softener (1 part) and isopropyl alcohol (7 parts) works very =

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  On 4/25/2003 at 9:06 PM Dave Nereson wrote:
    What can one use to soften hammers that were lacquered at the =
factory?  At first I thought lacquer thinner, but wouldn't that just =
evaporate and leave them still hard?  Tried a voicing needle and broke =
three of them.  The voicing tool just will not go in.  Tempted to go to =
the vise-grips extreme.  Surely the wonderful world of chemistry offers =
some liquid I can drizzle on them.  ??  --David Nereson, RPT
David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275
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