Steps for determining Hammer boring info?

John Ross
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 15:29:04 -0300

Hi list,
I have an upright Heintzman, the tall one. It came to me with the hammers
all missing.
I decided to replace the butts, (brass rail), I already had the butts, so
since the rail seems good, I am using them.
The next time I will change to wooden flanges, as has been suggested
recently, on the list.
The butts are apparently bored to a different angle, than the originals. The
originals had been massacred over the years as well, so there was some
variance in them.
How do I determine the pitch, and bore length for the new hammers.
I am getting Abel hammers from Wally.

John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada

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