Tightbond Creep

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 14:30:54 -0500

>You will also find the same information in "Understanding Wood" and the 
>"wood Handbook".

I don't find it in Understanding Wood. Must be looking in the wrong place. 
I did find mention of "tends to yield under continued stress" in the Wood 
Handbook, with no differentiation made between white and yellow PVA. There 
is a considerable and obvious difference between the two, as anyone 
familiar with both knows. It also mentions crosslinkable PVA, which would 
be the Titebond II equivalents, with no mention of creep whatsoever.

I'd still like to find some real information on this for my own education, 
if nothing else, should anyone happen across it somewhere.

Ron N

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