lacquer softener

Paul Chick (EarthLink)
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:00:22 -0500

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave Nereson=20
  Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 4:44 AM
  Subject: lacquer softener

      Thanks so much for the many responses on softening =
factory-lacquered hammers.  I don't mean to bite the hands that feed, =
but I'm not sure what to do now because the arguments for and against =
steaming sound equally convincing.  The arguments for using fabric =
softener and alcohol are equally convincing since it sounds believable =
that the steam won't loosen the chained-together fibers.  And since =
another tech thinks the vise-grip option isn't necessarily extreme, and =
I've done it on other pianos, I wonder if I shouldn't just go that =
route. =20
      This is a new Astin-Weight console.  I'm just assuming it's =
lacquer they used.  I can call and find out.  Maybe the factory has =
their own recommended antidote. =20
      --David Nereson, RPT

  Maybe start with the steam because you won't be adding any more =
substance to the hammers, and its affectiveness is immediately =
measurable-it will or will not work.  Then maybe try the next least =
intrusive method, like the pliers, starting out gently.

  Paul C
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