lacquer softener
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:55:43 EDT

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In a message dated 4/28/03 4:50:06 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> It's a brand new Astin-Weight console.  The treble section is quite bright 
> and I'm afraid as the piano gets broken in, the hammer felt will pack down 
> at the string grooves, getting even harder, and start to break strings when 
> I tune.  To steam or not to steam?  Some say yes, some say no.  Some say it 
> depends on whether it's actually lacquer.  Guess I could call them and ask. 
>     --David Nereson, RPT  (not sure why the font size suddenly changed) 

Steinway hammers react well to needling right on the crown. A little goes a 
long way. Whether Astin Weights react the same way will remain to be seen. 
Steaming works good on Asia hammers. But are these the same?  Your suggesting 
to call Astin Weight might be the best way to go. 


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