HeLp! How do I regulate the jack to those 45 degree, slanted knuckles? ( Please. )

gordon stelter
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:09:40 -0700 (PDT)

Oh, Mighty Ones,
     On Saturday I was given a little Sterling 
( Brambach ) grand, in exchange for playing a 6-hour
gig for the local Historical Assn.. 
    Actually, it was a pretty pleasant instument, 
( considering ) and mostly because of the condition of
it. Certainly better than the rental piano from the
local music store...............
    But it has those goofy slanted knuckles, and I
don't think the last tech knew where to put the jacks
under them. 
     And neither do I.
     Please help!
     Respectfully ( really )

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