TuneLab Kudos

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 12:39:53 -0500

Gotta say, once again, how impressed I am with TuneLab, both the product and
their customer service.

I got the free upgrade to the latest version, since I had been a recent
purchaser. There were two little things that have bugged me somewhat about

1) The auto note switching sometimes seemed to have a mind of it's own

2) In the lower bass strings, the program-selected partial used for tuning
was often too weak and you had to tap tap the screen to find a different,
stronger partial.

Lo and behold, I get an email from Robert Scott the other day with an offer
to download a free "interim version."

What's been changed?

1) They've tweaked the note switching to make it very accurate, and

2) They've included an "automatic partial selection" option for the lower
bass that will automatically seek a strong partial for tuning.

Great stuff!

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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