Key Leads and Inertia

David M. Porritt
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:25:42 -0500


Very good question!!!!  My first guess at this phenomenon is that the
brain really is quite an amazing device.  I think it really does have
the speed and processing power to sub-consciously make those

This might be an oversimplification, but in my experience the really
great musicians I've known have fallen into two categories --
*extremely* intelligent, or savants.  I know some pianists that have
such high IQs that it is hard to comprehend.  I also know some really
great musicians who have trouble with simple logic but play
incredibly well.  It just depends on how their brain was wired.  I'm
fortunate to spend a lot of time with some of these people, but the
IQ people are easier to work with than the savants!


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On 4/29/2003 at 10:12 AM Delwin D. Fandrich wrote:

--- big snip ---

>And now, allow me, if you will, to toss out a little side issue
>depending on the level of power desired by the performer, i.e., pppp
>or whatever, there is a considerable variation in the amount of time
>between the moment the key is initially struck and the moment the
>impacts the string. This time delay can amount to some several
>and it is not shared by most other orchestral instruments. Now,
>that the human brain only has so much computing power and speed and
>pianist is generally exceeding that processing speed during fast
>passages, what is the mechanism by which that performer compensates
>varying and complex time lag so that the sound of the piano comes
out just
>right with the rest of the orchestra?
>Delwin D Fandrich
>Piano Designer & Builder
>Hoquiam, Washington 98550 USA
>pianotech list info:

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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