OT -- Way, WAY Off Topic!

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 06:46:11 -0400

At 4:06 AM -0500 4/30/03, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:
>>At 21:37 04/29/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>It's outside the box alright. Okay, they made it work ... but what 
>on earth would be the point?
>Alan Barnard
>Selam, MO

I wouldn't buy one. I usefully have a cup of joe at hand. You could 
put all the cup-holders in the world on that thing, but if I need 
each hand on a steering wheel, I'd doze off and hit a tree pretty 

>Some people just HAVE to ride side-saddle, I guess.
>Chaque à son goût.

Talking side-saddle, that would be "Chaqu'une a sa gout".

Mr. Bill

"A jester unemployed is nobody's fool."
     ...........Danny Kaye, in "The Court Jester"

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