
Avery Todd
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 16:05:08 -0500

List, Ron,

Can anyone tell me why, when I entered Joe Garrett's name on the web page
, I got this????? I'm trying to find the url for "Mother Goose" tools but 
so far, no

Applied Skills Classes
... Richard Bittner * Dale Probst * Doug Wood * Isaac Sadigursky * David 
Brown * Peg Browne * Gina Carter * Shawn Hoar * Ben McKlveen * Norman 
Neblett * Joe Garrett * Joyce Meekins * Bill MCKaig * Herb Lindahl 
Technicians at every level of experience are welcome to try their hand at 
these stimulating work ... 04/14/01, 6271 bytes

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