SW curve calculator

Mark Davidson mark.davidson@mindspring.com
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 19:38:28 -0400

> Hi Mark can you please explain how to use this sheet
> you have made.
>       Thanks in advance
>                               Ajay Mistry

Enter the values you want for notes 1, 30, 59 and 88 into cells
B2, B3, B4, B5. The curve will be recalculated based on those
numbers.  Why 30 and 59? Because those notes divide the
keyboard into three equal parts.

What you do with the curve is pretty much up to you.  Ideas
that have crossed my mind:

1. No more typing in a bunch of numbers to create a curve.
    If you want a #7 SW curve, just enter 11.3, 10.1, 8.1 and 5.2 and
    you will get a curve that's almost identical (caution: I have not
    verified that all the numbers for all curves are the same as Stanwood's
    - and I quite intentionally did not include examples of his curves,
    but they're easy to try out).

2. Modify SW curves - want heavier/lighter curve in bass/treble/mid
    you can do it.

3. If you want to smooth SWs but not put them on a standard curve, you can
    them (as in the example SW values I gave) and then adjust your curve to
    them out.

4.  Good for other curves too: e.g. FW and hammer weight.

Note that for "curvier" curves, the note 30 and 59 goals
may not match the result curve.  Endpoints will always be
exact matches.


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