Soundboard Panel MC Change

Wed, 30 Apr 2003 19:38:04 -0400


I had a 75 gram sample of soundboard panel spruce that had equilibrated with conditions in my hot box after about 11 days. The moisture content (MC) of the sample would have been right at 5.7% MC in the hot box - it had been steady for several days. My shop is kept about 80 degrees and 45% relative humidity (RH) - conditions ripe for about 8.5% MC. I took the 75 gram sample piece out of the hot box and left it in an exposed location in my shop (sitting on a centrally located table on top of the center rail pins of a keyframe). The sample went from 70.40 to 70.82 grams in just over ten hours. That is a gain of 0.63% MC.

The point being, that if you keep your shop reasonably dry, you can take a panel out of a hot box and rib it without worrying about the panel MC going sky-high before you get the ribs on! Panel MC does not change all that fast!

Terry Farrell

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