Today's Puzzler--answer

Bill Maxim
Thu, 1 May 2003 05:36:26 -0400


You were very perceptive.  It rattled before I took the wippen out.  Every
time the key was played, there was this slightly metallic sound as though
something was bouncing around a bit, that I would call more a rattle than a

With the wippen out, there was no sound of anything loose when I slapped the
unit around.

Then when (with the wippen out) I would move the jack through its range of
motion, there was this "click" as the jack tip hit the stop felt, and again
as the jack returned to rest.  I have no idea why it would rattle in one
situation and click in the other.

When you said, "I've had to glue-size the threaded hole in the jack before
because of a click had also
 unadjusted itself," you hit the answer.  With the jack at rest, the loose
threaded hole was under tension from the spring and would not rattle or
click.    In motion, it made the noise.  Fixed with thin CA glue.

Bill Maxim, RPT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: Today's Puzzler--hint

> Bill-
> Was the jack regulating screw loose in the wood?  I've had to glue-size
> threaded hole in the jack before because of a click had also
> unadjusted itself.
> At first you said it was a rattle which means more than a quick noise.  In
> the hint, you called it a click.  Which is it?  And if it is a rattle, how
> long is the duration of the rattle?
> Lisa
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