An interesting spinet

John Musselwhite
Thu, 1 May 2003 13:15:18 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

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>>Definitely a better mousetrap, but I'm sure in the end it proved far to=
>>costly to fabricate. Anybody else ever seen one of these? =0D
>>I was also surpised by the lack of false beats in the high treble(thoug=
>>as usual, the bass was torture). =0D
>Dave Stahl =0D
>I've seen several over the years, and you are right! As spinets go they=0D
>tend to be in pretty good shape and quite easy to work on! =0D
By serendipity I tuned a similar spinet yesterday... a Canadian made (by
Lesage) Bell piano that according to the serial number was built in 1939.=
had newish Abel hammers installed on it and had been refinished, but
otherwise was pretty-much original. The wippens appeared to be standard,
with the rockers having a cushion that lifted the front of the wip. Some =
these cushions were worn enough to knock. The wippens also still had thei=
standard cushions on them, which makes me suspect they were modified for =
spinet. =0D
It was actually quite nice and in amazingly good condition and tuned
reasonably well, though the new bass hammers were a little wide and =0D
it could have used a better bass bridge as tuning that was a real challen=
as Dave mentioned. =0D
Nicely-grained walnut case, some detail on the kick panel and it even
sounded pretty good. They spent some time on this one. =0D
Too bad I didn't have my camera with me. When I go back to do the rocker
cushions and key bushings (also original) I'll take some pics.=0D
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