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Key Leads and Inertia

John Hartman [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015] [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015]
Thu, 01 May 2003 16:33:50 -0400

Richard Brekne wrote:

> Much has been made of the idea that more mass requires more effort to 
> move, yet at the same time it is ignored that once that mass is moving 
> it takes less effort to keep it moving. In reality these are flip sides 
> of the same coin and to some degree whats good about the one side is bad 
> about the other.

Well not exactly. Acceleration (change in speed) not velocity (constant 
speed)is what you need to look at in the action. Acceleration is the 
change of velocity and it always requires force. While it's true that in 
strict physics it takes no force to maintain velocity (as long as there 
is no opposing force like friction or the pull of gravity) this is not 
much of a factor in regard to the pianos action. In order to play a note 
the key is accelerated from  0 velocity to some  greater velocity during 
a short period of time. There is really no time for the player to 
benefit from any momentum (mass time speed) that may happen in the 
action. While playing the action bits and pieces are accelerating or 
decelerating. I can't think of any time when a part is moving with 
constant speed except when the note is not being played at all.

Of coarse there is the escapement. But even a hammer flying free from 
the rest of the action feels restraint. It is being held back by 
friction and the pull of gravity. It is decelerating. This is why the 
let off is kept close to the string - the less of it the better. Any 
momentum the hammer has as it impacts the string was bought and paid for 
by the force applied to the key.

> In answer to your querry, it is my guess that the reasoning for the 
> acellerated action has more to do with key motion after the finger gets 
> it moving, and after it rebounds of the keyfront cushion, as this is 
> where more inertia is more an aid then a hinder.

No. More inertia does not help the key to rebound. When you play a note 
the key is accelerated till it stops (decelerates) on the front cushion. 
It must accelerate again to come back up.

Reducing the inertia (the resistance to acceleration) helps with both 
accelerating the key while playing and the acceleration of the key 
coming back up. It makes the action easier to play and faster as well.

John Hartman RPT

John Hartman Pianos
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