Standard action specs (was Re: even balance weight or something)

Phillip Ford
Fri, 2 May 2003 09:43:09 -0700 (GMT)

Wow, now you're really dreaming.  I never imagined that the piano 
manufacturers would be too responsive to the idea of a standard spec for their C & A pianos, or as an option on their retail pianos (or perhaps as the normal setup with the option being for something else).  Imagine their response when you tell them you want five standard specs.  Not that I think it's a bad idea.  But in the real world of concert pianos and pianists how many pianists ever get to choose between five pianos?  Maybe in New York.  Most other places they're lucky if they get one.  So which of the five specs would you use for this one piano?  I think we're back to the 
idea of a standard middle of the road spec that most artists can live with.

Phil F

At 03:59 PM 5/1/03 , you wrote:
>Hi Phil,
>What I also meant and didn't articulate clearly enough was that the 
>certifications could have differing certified values ranging from what I
>very imprecisely describe ' light' to 'heavy'. Maybe there would be five? 


>Its good to have dreams.
>Best, Rich

>On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 05:32 PM, Phillip Ford wrote:

>>This is an interesting idea.  Sort of like a Good Housekeeping Seal of
>>Approval.  You could have a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval given by
>>certified techs to pianos having actions conforming to the
>>standard.  Pianists could request that they be provided with a piano
>>a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval for their concerts.
>>Phil F

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