Chickering Leaf Springs

Patrick C.Poulson
Fri, 2 May 2003 11:17:29 -0700

Hello All: Chickering strikes again. I have a client with a Chickering
Upright, the 67BB model, that uses an oddball leaf spring design on the
pedals. Each pedal has two leaf springs, @51/4" long, with two screw holes
at the butt end and a screw hole at the curved tip through which it is
mounted to the pedal lever. The levers themselves run diagonally from the
pedals up to the lift rods coming down from the action. Schaff does not
carry anything like these. Anyone have an idea of where to find
replacements, or have you had replacements made? I can't see how they could
be converted without reengineering the whole trap assembly. Thanks forl your
Patrick C. Poulon
Registered Piano Technician

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