Butt Ugly Wrap-Up

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Fri, 02 May 2003 13:34:19 -0500

>Thanks to all who responded. Since the butts are not available from Schaff,
>I've decided to order '509' butts without the billings flanges and repin
>them with the original flanges.
>Alan Barnard

Does Schaff still have the 512 flanges available? Re-using the originals, 
you'll either break them opening them up far enough to press out the pin, 
or they won't clamp down well enough on too many of the new pins to hold 
them in. You'll have to do some surgery on the new ones, but it's slightly 
better than nothing. Welcome to the good old days. It used to be like this 
with about everything you bought.

Ron N

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