A B Chase Upright

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Fri, 2 May 2003 22:19:53 -0400

In the spirit of David Love's post on a nice-sounding piano, here is another. I inspected a 1912 A. B. Chase upright today ("is this piano worth tuning?"). It's overall condition for this old a pianos was about 96 percentile (obviously not saying a whole lot). It appeared to be quite the piano. It had an open pinblock with wooden top-bass string termination. It had four string sections. It did not have a tenor bridge, but the long bridge had absolutley NO hockey stick end. It had a vertically laminated long bridge. Amazingly, it was in relatively good shape - all keys straight as an arrow, clean action, robust-sounding bass - pretty amazing for a 91 year old gal. If I were looking for an upright to remanufacture, I would snap this one up real quick.

Terry Farrell

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