
Mon, 05 May 2003 10:02:57 -0600

At 10:41 AM 5/5/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>   Cross reference that with the voicing of the particular piano
>involved and there really isn't a "standard" I can define.
>Ed Foote RPT

Hoo yeah,
    Don't forget the voicing. Just ran into that, big-time. Artist doing 
piano vs. orchestra with a bit of Prokofieff (2nd). Nicely tuned D, 
suddenly needs, as per artist request, "nastiness". Little file, little 
iron, little juice. He likes it, now, but..... whole different tuning 
scheme. Radically different collection of partials. Oh well.

Easily Amused,
Guy Nichols, RPT

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