Who Knows Vose? was seeking wisdom

Sherry swidmer@rochester.rr.com
Tue, 06 May 2003 22:43:11 -0400

on 5/6/03 7:29 PM, gordon stelter at lclgcnp@yahoo.com wrote:

>> I am curious if anyone knows what to expect of this
>> era Vose & Son's piano..

For what it's worth I have a 1925 5'8" Vose.  I got the piano at auction in
1990.  It has stood up to 13 years of very hard from students and myself
(before my playing career was ended by rheumatoid arthritis).  The piano is
a real workhorse but seems to have a most unusual scale and is rather
difficult to tune.  The cabinet is beautiful but I'm most impressed with the
piano's stamina.  The action is very responsive and uniform.

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