How do I remove knuckles, cleanly? Knuckle recovering.

Greg Newell
Tue, 06 May 2003 23:58:01 -0400

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Bandsaw to lopp off the barrel the another path down the center of the=20
knuckle core followed by a sharp knife to get the remainder of the core.=20
Simple and fast.

Greg Newell

At 10:17 PM 5/6/2003, you wrote:

>I may be getting in a Conover grand with a good set of
>new hammers, but utterly flat knuckles
>( Authentic 1915 vintage ).
>      Can anyone recommend a recipe for removing them
>for replacement or recovering, without breaking the
>shanks or the knuckle cores? And must they be removed
>for recovering?
>      Your comments would be most sincerely
>      Thanks!
>      Thump
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Greg Newell
Greg's piano Fort=E9

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