Who Knows Vose? was seeking wisdom

Robert Goodale rrg@unlv.edu
Tue, 6 May 2003 23:00:13 -0700

Generally very modest pianos, commonly known for small grands.  Light weight
construction, thin rims, often have bridge cap splitting and separation
problems.  Notoriously nasal sound.  Similar to some of the low-end small
Wurlitzers.  Generally considered junk by dealers who often toss "trade-ins"
rather than flooring them.  Worked on many of them, don't care if I see

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> I am curious if anyone knows what to expect of this era Vose & Son's
> Don't want to ask Terry to waste time on a wild goose chase, but I am
> wondering if this might be a good next project in my learning curve.
> I am frankly a bit confused after reading about Vose in The Piano Book and
> Pierce Atlas.  Looks like this was made in Boston, pre- Aeolian.   So
> a pretty good piano when built.  Does anyone know more?

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