Baldwin Plate Screws

Ted Simmons
Wed, 07 May 2003 05:54:49 -0400

A long-time customer of mine moved their Baldwin grand from their home to a
condo 9th floor and called me to tune it.  Usually after such a move I
instinctively make sure the lyre bolts and leg bolts are tight. Then I move
on to the plate to tighten the plate screws; but I stopped in my tracks on
this one because it is a Baldwin.  Iım a little confused on their plate
screws.  I know some of their brands of pianos have floating plate screws
and should not be tightened.  Can anyone shed some light on this?  Is there
a way to tell in advance?  And does that apply to their Chickerings also?

Ted Simmons
Merritt Island, FL

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