A sweet old lady

gordon stelter lclgcnp@yahoo.com
Wed, 7 May 2003 04:00:58 -0700 (PDT)

 And much
> to my chagrin, somebody 
> had written the letters of all of the naturals on
> the plate next to the pins. 
>  It did make my job a bit easier, I must admit, but
> I unnecessary and 
> desctructive.

To have the letters of the naturals on the plate or
pinbock is very common for squares. And its easy to
tell if they're "factory".  If so, they'll be very
neat and pretty.
     By the way: "Slam" Stewart had a Steinway square
that I used to tune. It is therefore quite possible
that Art Tatum played on it when he came over to
visit. I wonder how he liked it! 

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