Hitch Pin Removal Cosmetics

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Wed, 07 May 2003 12:57:12 -0500

>Good grief. There is another new one. I looked up "rotary file" on Harbour 
>Freight, but no picture.

Go to the McMaster-Carr site  http://www.mcmaster.com/  and search for 
rotary file. Lots of pictures, lots of shapes.

>I take it these things would be the general shape of the small stones, but 
>are made of metal with a file-type surface on them? And these do not clog 
>up with paint and that nasty black tarry undercoat stuff that you find on 

Right, and right.

>What is that black stuff anyway? Was it used to fair the surface before 
>epoxy was invented?
>Terry Farrell

I don't know... gesso?

Ron N

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