Unusual rib structure?

Sarah Fox sarah@gendernet.org
Wed, 7 May 2003 18:04:35 -0400

> >As I recall, roughly the tail-most 2/3 of the soundboard, measured
> >to the ribs.  I didn't really have adequate access to the remainder of
> >soundboard to stretch a line.  It has about a 1/4" crown in these areas.
> That's why I asked. Everyone wants to measure crown in the place where
> soundboards nearly never go concave, and never the place where they nearly
> always do. How does it look in octave 6, where crown typically reverses?

Ah!  I didn't know that.  Well, I placed a straight edge up under the
soundboard close to the second treble rib.  My guess (since I can't really
measure very well there) is that I have slightly less than 1/8" of crown
there.  Most of the curvature seems to be where the rib tapers, if that
means anything.  The middle of the high treble board is less curved, with
perhaps 1/32" of arch to it, depending on where the starting and stopping
points are defined.  So is it a keeper? ;-)

The piano was probably quite well cared for in its youth and middle age.  It
originally ended up with an opera coach for the NY Metropolitan Opera, who
put a lot of mileage and little maintenance into it.  Before that, it's
believed it belonged to the Met, undoubtedly as a performance instrument.
My guess is that it was retired as a performance instrument as it grew older
and allowed to deteriorate somewhat (albeit with very good climate control).
Then in 1971 it was bought by the opera coach, who put a few bucks in it to
have the action and bass strings replaced.  Then further deterioration with
more typical climate control conditions.  I wish I could ask the coach, but
he and his partner scooted off to Canada in preparation for some apocalyptic
event.  They sold it to a recording studio that sold it to me after a couple
of years, but they didn't leave any contact info.  I wish I could
reconstruct my piano's history, because I know it must have enjoyed its time
in the sun.  It might have even been immortalized in a few old recordings.
If it could only speak to me... <smile>


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