nickels and dimes do add up, but...

J Patrick Draine
Wed, 7 May 2003 19:19:13 -0400

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 03:53  PM, Brian Lawson wrote:

> Hi, you can look at it a couple of ways, say you schedule your time at 
> the
> customer to 1 1/2 hours to do the tuning and out the door

Or you sell a piano service appointment of (for example) two hours, and 
plan on not only taking care of the stuff obvious to you but not the 
customer, but a bit more (say voicing a couple real klangers, etc), 
you'll be building a better reputation *and* you won't be driving 
yourself into the poorhouse. Or up your fees for that 1.5 hour; you'll 
*really* be motivated to be generous to your customer.


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