A sweet old lady

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Thu, 08 May 2003 09:41:30 -0500


At 11:26 5/8/2003 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi Conrad,
>Contrary to popular belief, there are some 'birdcage' that sound not too
>bad. (Everything is relative)
>They seem to be better quality German ones.

>I seem to recollect, that someone on the list said that only the cheaper
>ones were shipped to North America, so maybe that is why we have run into
>only bad ones.

I vaguely remember that now, thanks. Your wetware must be working.

This was J&J HOPKINSON - really pretty in the picture.  My friends did go 
out to look at it, and the ringing _was_ very pronounced.

They will continue their search...

Conrad Hoffsommer PTG RPT, MPT, CCT
Decorah, IA

Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) for Bio-powered Digitally Activated 
Lever Action Tone Generation Systems

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