To Yamaha, or Steinway... that is the question !
Thu, 8 May 2003 17:33:40 +0200

'Sometimes' a CFIIIS can be marvellous. I find that Steinways have a 
better tone, but if you can lay your hand on a real beautiful 
handpicked CFIIS I would prefer that one.


On woensdag, mei 7, 2003, at 21:29 Europe/Amsterdam, Richard Brekne 

> Our University is trying to decide what to do with a big wad of brand
> new money they've just got their hands on, and are debating whether or
> not to buy a brand new CF III or a Hamburg "C". Its to go in a small
> concert hall, and a "D" is considered overkill, yet there is desire for
> the full length strings a 9 footer provides.
> Interesting to hear the back and forths from the point of view of the
> different faculty members. We have two professors who are clearly 
> Yamaha
> fans, especially one of them is very into Yamaha pianos. The other
> fellow likes them for their recording characteristics. And we have 3
> professors who simply say Steinway. Steinways sound best, Steinways are
> what you meet in the concert halls, Steinways are the Mercedes,
> Bosendorfers the Ferrari, and Yamahas the Celica GT.
> But here's one I havent heard before,,,, but kind of rings a bell.
> Yamahas are heavy to the touch, not so much out and out heavy, but you
> cant get that power without wearing out your hands.
> Given Ron N's advice last time I mentioned my Yamaha C6 problem along
> these lines, and the recent discussion about action compliance.... I am
> simply going to have to set off time to look very closely in this
> direction on that instrument, along with a C7 we have with a similiar
> feel to it.
> They both feel like they've a bedding problem they dont have. Might be
> time to try out Johns top plates eh ??
> Cheers
> RicB
> -- 
> Richard Brekne
> RPT, N.P.T.F.
> UiB, Bergen, Norway
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