horowitz piano parts

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Thu, 8 May 2003 16:53:24 EDT

John writes: 
>A fairly reliable rumor has it that the original parts still exist in
> labeled boxes out of harm's way so they can be put back in someday, if
>that eases anyone's mind at all.

   I haven't heard that rumor.  I can state as fact that when I spoke to 
David Grossi, who was head of the restoration dept. at the time the piano was 
worked on, I specifically asked him what had become of those parts and he 
told me that they had been thrown away.  When I expressed incredulity at this 
and asked why, his reply was that the factory looked at parts as either good 
parts or bad parts.

Ed Foote RPT 

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