Sales Hype and verbal chicanery

Alan Forsyth
Thu, 8 May 2003 23:27:32 +0100

Hi guys,
You said it!

>We gotta write that book, Ron!>

Yesterday I tuned a 1950's Bentley upright and noticed a gold decal under
the top lid which said " Automatic Resonance Prop". Thinking that this might
refer to some ingenious innovation in their soundboard construction, I
peered around the back of the piano in expectation of finding some sort of
bracing structure. Alas, all seemed to be normal in that area. Then I
analysed the words again------"prop"-----What does that word mean?
Hmmm....."Stick" maybe?  So then I looked at the prop stick. Yes !!!!!
Indeed it was an automatic prop stick to hold up the top lid. ( It operated
by gravity.  BIG DEAL!
Alan Forsyth

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