G452 Wurlitzer Grand

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Thu, 08 May 2003 22:16:44 -0500

>I've read most of the books but this is a new one on me.  Several keys 
>(probably 12 or so) in the midrange can't be depressed.  The inside of the 
>hammer "tail" sticks against the back of the wippen.  So the hammer is 
>incapable of rising unless you pull the hammer up with your hand.
>Being a relative newbie as a piano tech, I'm wondering what the fix 
>is.  Take a file and file the back of the wippen?  Take a Dremel tool and 
>sand off part of the hammer so it doesn't rub?  Reglue the offending 
>hammers, making the shanks 1/64 longer?
>Just curious to know if any of you "Been there, done that, got the 
>T-shirts" have seen this before?
>Charles Cron
>Rockfield, KY

Check with Phil Glen if this is a Young Chang built piano (include the 
serial number). Sounds like the growing action bracket problem to me.

"Phil Glenn" <Phil_Glenn@yca.tzo.com>

Ron N

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