Bad Business practices/venting
Fri, 9 May 2003 12:58:08 EDT

In a message dated 09/05/03 10:28:39 AM, writes:

<< Taking money from both ends of a deal strikes me as being 
slightly sleazy.    It comes down to a question of "who do you represent:"  
dealer or client? >>

 I have to completely agree with you here. Working for 'both' parties is a 
huge conflict of interest..period. We should charge our customer for all 
inspections in store or in home but not be indebted to any store for 
commission at the same time with the same customer. I have, on occasion, run 
into a piano in a store that was particularly suitable for a particular 
client/customer and on those occasions where the client/customer bought the 
piano on my advice I freely accepted commission from that store.
 To accept both commision and customer fee places us in to an undefendable 
position...after all...... our reputation is worth many, many more dollars 
than a one time double fee...
My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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