Bass string revival

Joel Jones
Fri, 09 May 2003 21:30:54 -0500


Bass strings had coffee or soda spilled on them several years ago and they
were dead as a stone.  No money for replacements.  Becoming frustrated
listening for a pitch I decided to try a final fix.
    I began by pounding the key and lowering each string about 1/2 turn
until it was slack.  Continuing to test blow the key a dozen times while
slack and continuing pounding I then pulled the string up to pitch.
    Presto the string had a live, full sound.   However, I'm wondering:

 1.  What happened to the string to cause it to revive???

2.   Will this be a short term fix and the strings become dead again???

Anybody experienced this bass string revival?

Joel Jones
Retired UW tech in Madison


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