More on bridge making

Bill Ballard
Sat, 10 May 2003 00:02:37 -0400

At 8:07 PM -0700 5/9/03, David Love wrote:
>Is there any reason you wouldn't make a bridge root out of pinblock
>material?  I'm thinking of a straight bass bridge in which the material
>would be turned so the laminations were vertical.  I have a fair amount of

I'd imagine that with the glue lines horizontal was with marine 
plywood, the sound would have to travel through a half dozen glue 
lines before passing throughout he bottom glue and into the board. 
With vertical lamination, each lamination runs from the cap to the 
root. (Lemme see, does maple have the tiny resonator disks, too?)

At 9:48 PM -0500 5/9/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>Again, it won't make any real difference either way.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

".......true more in general than specifically"
     ...........Lenny Bruce, spoofing a radio discussion of the Hebrew 
roots of Calypso music

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