Bedevilled by a Baldwin yet again
Sat, 10 May 2003 10:45:01 EDT

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In a message dated 5/10/03 7:34:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> You likely already looked, but are the butt felt squares (where the jack 
> rests upon return under butt) missing or hard?

I looked to see if they were missing, which they weren't.  It doesn't sound 
like a glue sound.  I will check for glue spillage, though.  The shank to 
butt assembly gluing was pretty sloppy.  They could have glued a whole other 
set of shanks with the leftovers I see in there.  

I should have mentioned that the noise really only occurs on a firmer blow to 
the key.



As we all know, sound from pianos are usually deceptive.

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