Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways:

David Love
Sat, 10 May 2003 08:28:01 -0700

Aside from detuning the front duplexes, which of the mentioned items
doesn't exist on at least one of the Steinway models at some time?  The
Hamburg C has a cutoff bar, the NY M and others do not; the larger models
do not have a cantilever in the bass; various models employ different types
of scaling and transition bridges; the bridge notching in the low tenor and
bass that produces unequal speaking lengths on some notes is not used on
every model; etc..  So with the exception of the rib design, perhaps, and
the tuned front duplexes, think of it as taking the best ideas and using
them on a model which does not, if that makes you feel better.   I don't
really consider it a problem.

David Love

> [Original Message]
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: 5/10/2003 1:04:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways:
> David writes:
> > such things as the addition of cutoff bars, belly bracing, modifying the
> >bass bridge cantilever to increase backscale length, detuning the front
> >duplexes, rescaling, squaring the bridge notching in the low tenor and
> sections, crowing the
> >ribs,  ; All of these "redesigns", will improve the overall
> >performance of the piano and I don't consider it in any way a desecration
> >of the original, just an improvement.
> Greetings, 
>        Hmm,  maybe I should wait until you define "desecration".   This
> of "things to do" is more than refining makers' oversights, it is 
> re-engineering the sounding structure.   How far can a Steinway get its
> improved without sounding like something other than a Steinway?   I would 
> question, are we simply continuing on  the developmental trajectory that
> originators of Steinways had in mind, or are we attempting to invent our
> sound by using a Steinway as our bass,  (treble ahead?).   
> Ed Foote RPT 
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