Kids, tuners, and video tape

Robert Goodale
Sat, 10 May 2003 11:18:41 -0700

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I had a very interesting experience a couple days ago tuning a grand =
piano.  As soon as I walked in I noticed that there was a camcorder =
pointing at the piano and was running, (the little red light in the =
front is a bit of a give away).  It was poorly concealed under a towel.  =
Great just what I need, a lady who thinks I'm going to case and rob the =
place and wants to spy on me.

I sit down and pretend I didn't see the camera and proceed to tune the =
piano.  While I'm working I noticed that her kid, (probably 9 or 10 yrs =
old), kept creeping around the corner and watching me.  Now I'm starting =
to feel like a criminal figuring the lady is sending her son on a =
reconnaissance mission.  I continue to tune the piano, double checking =
myself as I go that I'm not doing anything that would constitute being =
accused of something.

After a while I started hearing really strange sounds.  You know, kid =
sounds that annoy school teachers and little sisters.  The sounds are =
coming from behind me but there isn't anything there but a wall.  I =
continue tuning and then hear the sounds again.  I get up and walk =
around the piano.  Nothing.  I sit down again and within a minute more =
kid sounds.  FINALLY I figure it out.  There was an outlet cover in the =
wall that apparently goes though to the other side and isn't entirely =
sealed.  Then it dawned on me.  The kid had set up the camera and was =
playing a game with me.  He's making sounds through the wall to catch my =
reactions on tape for his own amusement!  I thought about it for a =
minute but chose not to play along "just in case".  What a slick little =
snot!  I finished tuning the piano and called through the house to let =
someone know I was done.  After several minute of yelling through the =
house I just packed up my things and went on my way.  This was a =
prearranged deal so I wasn't owed any money so it was just as well.  =
This was definitely a first for me!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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