Wurzen felt

David Love davidlovepianos@earthlink.net
Sat, 10 May 2003 11:59:32 -0700

Because to many people there seems to be no middle ground with hammer
makers.  Either they are on the very hard side, or the very soft side.  If
you don't prefer the very hard type then you have no choice but to use a
very soft hammer and beef it up a bit.  There are some exceptions, but
consistency in hardness from one hammer set to another also varies and,
again, if you prefer to err on the side of softness, then you have no
choice but to use lacquer once in awhile.  Hopefully, you don't need too

David Love

> Why is it that virtually all of us that have expressed an opinion so far,
> both sides of the Atlantic, express our preference for non laquered
> yet its use is so wide spread over there ? Just curious.
> Richard Brekne
> RPT, N.P.T.F.
> UiB, Bergen, Norway
> mailto:rbrekne@broadpark.no
> http://home.broadpark.no/~rbrekne/ricmain.html
> http://www.hf.uib.no/grieg/personer/cv_RB.html
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