Pet Hate

Alan Forsyth
Sat, 10 May 2003 20:37:12 +0100

Hello everyone,
Just got back from tuning one of those mid-Victorian wooden framed, sticker
action, leather hinged, oblong pinned, straight strung bichord affairs that
was sitting at minus 600 cents!  I always seem to land up with the dregs,
mainly because everyone else refuses to touch them. I have 17 of them on my
records ranging from 1835 to 1899.

Does anyone have a foolproof method of pitch-raising these monsters without
turning oneself into a raving lunatic? They really do make a mockery of ones
senses. The one idea that I have come up with is to just transpose the whole
keyboard I.e. just slide the whole keyboard to the left and swopping over
the cheek blocks.

Alan Forsyth

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